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Tigers Eye

Tigers Eye

Tigers Eye is a powerful gemstone that aids harmony and balance. It also helps you release fear and anxiety.It stimulates taking action, and helps make decisions unclouded by emotions. Traditionally it was carried as an amulet against curses or ill-wishes, and it is...

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Rubies and Sapphires

Rubies and Sapphires Rock! It’s hard to imagine that a mineral such as rubies and sapphires with a name as mundane as corundum yields gems as exquisite as the ruby and sapphire, or even that these two stones, so different in color and mystique, are actually the same...

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Garnet most commonly occurs in red. The origin of the name "garnet" lies in this deep red hue. The name "garnet" comes from the Medieval Latin word, "granatum", which is an adjective meaning "dark-red". The use of red garnet dates back thousands of years, when it was...

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Amethyst – A Beautiful Gemstone

Amethyst is February's Birthstone By [http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sam_Serio/1956]Sam Serio If you're still young enough to remember your birthday, you probably also remember the special birthstone assigned to it. But at your age, we bet you don't really know the...

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Emerald: The Green Gemstone

By [http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Zulekha_Alam/147959]Zulekha Alam Emerald is a highly coveted precious gemstone of flamboyant green color. Emerald is a variety of the mineral Beryl which has the chemical formula of Be3Al2(SiO3)6 (beryllium aluminium cyclosilicate)....

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All About Eco-friendly Gems

People value sturdiness and beauty very much and since of this, they love gemstones. Exactly what are gems anyhow? These are minerals extremely prized by numerous people due to the fact that of their appeal, toughness/hardness, rarity, and the cut of such valuable...

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